
How to uninstall microsoft edge in windows 10
How to uninstall microsoft edge in windows 10

how to uninstall microsoft edge in windows 10

Type cd ', press Ctrl + V to paste the path, ' to close the double-quote and press Enter. Open a command prompt as administrator ( WinKey + r, type cmd, hold down Ctrl + Shift, press Enter ). If Windows 10 asks you to restart your PC, do the same once.ĭon’t forget to read our how to uninstall and remove Microsoft Edge browser from Windows 10 guide. Press Alt + D, then Ctrl + C to copy the path to the Installer directory. Your Edge browser should be ready to use in a few seconds. Finally, if you see a confirmation dialog, click Repair button again to begin repairing the Edge browser installation. Under Choose default apps to click on Microsoft Edge listed under Web browser. From the left-hand menu, make sure to select Default apps. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Apps. Since we want to repair the Edge browser, click the Repair button. Anyway, this is just a workaround the problem, and if you don’t like it, you could move to method 2. The Reset option is meant to reset Microsoft Edge browser to default settings by deleting your data, including browser history, cookies, and other Edge settings. The Repair option repairs Microsoft Edge browser without removing your data. Step 3: Here, you will see two options: Repair, and Reset. Click on the link to open Storage usage and app reset page. You should now see Advanced options link. Step 2: Look for Microsoft Edge entry and click on the same. The same feature doesn’t exist in Windows 10 Creators Update (v1703). IMPORTANT: The ability to repair Microsoft Edge browser is available in Fall Creators Update for Windows 10 (version 1709). Here is how to repair Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10.

How to uninstall microsoft edge in windows 10